The necessary tests for WORLD power press automation have been strictly conducted. It has been tested in terms of safety, electromagnetic compatibility, vibration, reliability, and durability. The product features bending resistance and is not easy to break off
WORLD power press automation has been tested according to the general standards. It is tested in terms of functionality, strength, stiffness, wears, and corrosion. The product features bending resistance and is not easy to break off
Before delivery, WORLD power press automation has to undergo a wide range of tests. It is strictly tested in terms of the strength of its materials, statics&dynamics performance, resistance to vibrations&fatigue, etc. Its smooth coating helps minimize friction
The manufacture of WORLD power press automation involves some critical processes. These stages include concept confirmation, metal materials procurement, frame fabrication, components machining, surface painting, and final assembly. With an ergonomic design, this product is easy for doctors to operate
The creation of WORLD power press automation involves some advanced technologies. They include mechanical systems technology, automatic control technology, sensing technology, and servo-drive technology. The product has compatibility with living tissue
The design of WORLD power press automation is strictly conducted. It is carried out by our designers who think highly of parts and components safety, the whole machine safety, operation safety, and environmental safety. With an ergonomic design, this product is easy for doctors to operate
The product stands out for its fatigue resistance. It can withstand a given number of cycles and work continuously without a break or any wear and tear. The product is not prone to deformation after frequent uses