jackow@pressmachine-world.com+86-13817590728 WORLD power press machine manufacturer and supplier
Product Overview
- Sheet metal punch press T/T - WORLD-1 is made of high-quality materials and advanced production technology, suitable for the vacuum coating industry.
Product Features
- Equipped with a wet type pneumatic clutch and brake, programmable logistic control system, hydraulic overload protection system, and compact structure with high precision slide guides.
Product Value
- This product offers longer service life, lower noise, cheaper maintenance costs, and easier maintenance compared to similar products in the market.
Product Advantages
- The sheet metal punch press T/T - WORLD-1 has outstanding features such as a wet type pneumatic clutch and brake, PLC control system, hydraulic overload protection, and high precision slide guides.
Application Scenarios
- This product is applicable in various industrial fields including decoration, aerospace, electricity, new energy, chemical industry, and automotive manufacturing.
Quick Links
Contact Us
• Tel: 86-21-62828320
• Fax: 86-21-62829970
• E-mail: jackow@pressmachine-world.com
• WHATSAPP: +8613817590728
• WEHCHAT: W13817590728
• Exporting Office: 12F, Huaihai Road West, Shanghai, China
• Factory: Picheng World Industrial Park, Danyang City, Jiangsu Province, China