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How Does a Hydroforming Machine Work?


A specialized deep draw technique, hydroforming (also known as sheet hydroforming), involves shaping and forming metal workpieces using high-pressure rubber. A metal sheet is hydroformed by placing it over a hydroforming machine and then pressing it down with highly pressure water so that it takes on the shape of the mold. The tube hydroforming process involves positioning an existing tube between two hydroforming machines and using water pressure to expand and mold the tube's interior to match the desired design. Both methods eliminate the need for welds when shaping and fabricating new components and forms from conventional metal alloys. In addition, when designing intricate, non-standard components, hydroforming is the way to go.

Components Used in Hydroforming

Many metal substrates may be hydroformed instead of stamped or welded, making hydroforming a common option. Some of them are:


● Aluminum is a malleable metal that may take on the form of elaborate molds because of its low hardness.

● Hydroforming procedures provide brass with a smooth, uniform surface, complementing ornamental brass items.

● Hydroforming methods can shape copper tubes to meet conventional and non-standard dimensions, making them ideal for various applications.

● For example, Inconel is a common material choice in aerospace and jet engine components and other parts subjected to high temperatures. With hydroforming, you may make asymmetrical components to shape your exact specifications.

● Stainless steel is readily shaped by hydroforming because the metal is compressed in various directions by the hydraulic fluid, which causes it to change shape without stress or fracture.

Unique Components

● Hastelloy is a metal alloy that is often utilized in situations where there is a high level of chemical exposure because of its exceptional corrosion resistance. Hydroforming reduces the likelihood of component failure by guaranteeing a weld-free design.

● Liquified gas storage, turbine blades, fasteners, and high-pressure applications often use high-nickel steels. Stronger and more dependable components result from hydroforming's smooth forming process.

● Waspaloy is a very durable and malleable superalloy. Metals may be precisely shaped using hydroforming methods, allowing for weldless construction in turbines and aircraft applications, among other uses.

Applications of Hydroforming

The ability to precisely replicate a component without welding or joining the two parts of the tube is a major benefit of tube hydroforming. In addition to reducing the requirement for most additional procedures, hydroforming leaves the item with a high-quality finish. Parts may have complicated threads, forms, and joints, and their thickness can range from very thin to very thick, depending on the original design.


Here at Yingxin, we provide hydroformed tubes and components to a diverse range of sectors, such as space, automobiles, kitchenware, climate control, laundry, and healthcare.

Sheet vs. Tube Hydroforming Process

There is a significant difference between the sheet hydroforming and tube hydroforming processes. Different methods work better for different kinds of components and different kinds of enterprises.


Hydroforming sheet metal begins with placing a metal blank onto a hydroform press. The metal sheet that forms the basis of the hydroforming machine is pressed into shape using this blank, which is a metal sheet. One great thing about sheet hydroforming is how versatile it is. It can be used to produce all sorts of different pieces. Aerospace and military, healthcare, commercial lighting, and land-based power generating are some sectors that greatly benefit from this hydroforming technology. These sectors need intricately shaped, specialized components. It is critical to follow the standards of these components, especially in the aerospace and healthcare industries. Such products may be precisely shaped and surfaced with the help of sheet hydroforming.


Tube hydroforming, so called because it uses metal tubes as its foundation, is a process that finds extensive use in the automobile industry, which often requires tubular components. The metal is extruded into the hydroforming machine around it when pressurized fluid is supplied to the interior of the tube in this hydroforming procedure. Tubes and pipes of varying diameters, densities, and forms may be produced with this method. Tube hydroforming produces lighter, more robust, and more precisely dimensional components for the automobile sector.

Advantages of Hydroforming

● The manufacturing sector often uses hydroforming sheet metal as a technique. Not only is it less expensive than alternatives, but it also requires fewer tools and skips the burring and punching stages.

● In comparison to other cutting procedures, it is both quick and accurate, and it produces less waste due to dents or accidentally bent components.

● Lastly, hydroforming enables the transformation of metal into lengthy, intricate welds with no or no welding required.

Do You Need A Hydroforming Machine? Call Yingxin!

Reach out to us now to discover more about our extensive inventory of pre-owned gear, including hydroforming mahcines, if you are considering purchasing one for your company. You can get just as much done with used hydroforming machines for a lot less money than with brand-new ones. Get in touch with us HERE if you want to find out more.

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