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The working nature of hydraulic oil press

by:WORLD     2022-09-14

A hydraulic press is a machine that uses liquid as the working medium to transfer energy to realize various processes. In addition to forging and forming, hydraulic presses can also be used for straightening, pressing, packing, pressing blocks and pressing plates. Hydraulic presses include hydraulic presses and hydraulic presses. The water-based liquid as the working medium is called a hydraulic press, and the oil as the working medium is called a hydraulic press. The specifications of hydraulic presses are generally expressed in terms of nominal working force (kN) or nominal tonnage (tons). Forging hydraulic presses are mostly hydraulic presses with high tonnage. In order to reduce the size of the equipment, large forging hydraulic presses often use higher pressures (about 35 MPa), and sometimes ultra-high pressures above 100 MPa are also used. Hydraulic presses for other purposes generally use a working pressure of 6 to 25 MPa. The tonnage of the hydraulic press is lower than that of the hydraulic press.

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