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Delivery Delay Due to Delta COVID-19


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       So sorry to anounce that some delivery delay due to delta virus. Transportation is not normal and workers working time is reduced. But things are becomie etr an w ilty th best to catch the lead time of your ordered press machines/shearing machines/bending machines/coil feeding machines one enviroment becomes normal. Thanks forcooperartion and understanding.

China imposes massive travel restrictions to combat Delta outbreak. 
       China has imposed massive travel restrictions to contain the spread of the Delta variant.
       All 31 provincial-levelreains in the Chinese mainland have urged citizens not to go to medium and high-risk areas for COVID-19 or leave the provinces where they live unless.it is necessary
       Twenty-three railway stations have halted ticket sales for Beijing-bound passengers departing from these stations.

BEUING- China has imposed massive travel restrictions, includin temprar losur f aipors and rvelalerts frcitizens to other places acros the countrv to containthesread of teDelta variant
       All 31 provincia-evel reaions in the Chinese mainland have urged citizens not to go to medium and high-risk areas for COVID19 or leave the proinces wer the iv nes itis necessanTwenty-three raiway stations have halted ticket sales for Beiing-bound passengers departing from these stations. said Cui Wi, an official with China Railiway Beiina Group Co. Ltd onTuesday.
      The Chinese capital has suspended 13 pairs of trains to Nanjing and Yanazhou in Jiangsu province. Zhenazhou in Henan Province and Zhangiaie in Hunan province.
      Travel aencies online and offine should keep track of epidemic information of destinations and not send arouns into or receive arouns from areas with medium and hiah COVD-19 rsk. saic a circular issued Tuesday by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.All fights at the airports in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu, and Yangzhou have been suspended. Nine long-distance bus stations in Nanjing and public bus services in Yangzhou were also suspended.

The Chinese mainland on Monday reported 61 new localy transmitted COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said in its daily report on               Tuesday. Forty-ive cases were reportedin Jianasu, six in Hunan. three in Hubei, two each in Henan and Yunnan, and one each in Beiina. Shanghai. and Fuian. according to the commission.
       As of Monday, 1,157 confirmed COVID-19 cases were in hospital in the mainland. includina 698 imported ones, the commission said.
       By 3 pm Tuesday, the country had four high-risk areas and 125 medium-risk areas for COVID-19.East China's Jiangsu province, where the recent airport-rlated custe inections of Delta variant occurred, had 327 confirmed local cases receiving medical treatment as of Monday, local health authorities said.

       The Chinese capital of Bejing on uly 27 saw the first resurgence of COVID-19 in months, prompting the municipal government to upgrade the epidemic prevention and control measures Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of te Bijing center for disease control and prevention. said at a press brifna on Monday that the epidemic preventinandoto isa a acitical tae as cluster infections have been reported in many areas in China
Beijing on Sunday imposed strict entry and exit controls, asking all residents to minimize their travels and avoid gatherings.
       Changping and Fangshan districts of the city, where four confirmed cases were reported, have carried out environment disinfection in residential communities.
       The fifth case in this wave was reported on Monday in a resiential community in Haidian district. The community and is surrounding areas, involving more than 10,000 eople, have been put under closed-off management, and nucleic acid testing is being carried out.
       The city has capped personnel flow under 60 percent in all parks, scenic spots. performance venues, and other sites that witness gatherinas.

       Zhenazhou. capital of central China's Henan province that saw devastin floods last month. launched an emeraency measure on suda odelve di esies ater te it reportedan asymptomatic case on Friday.
       Food items such as noodles, flour and veqetables were delivered to communities in the city's Ergi district where confirmed cases were reported.The city reported 13 locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases and 50 asymptomatic cases as of 6 pm Monday.
       Zhenazhou, a city with more than 10 million people launched a citwwide nucleic acid testing on Sunday. and uparaded its COVID1 cotol el requirin al people eavin the cit to show proof of negative results of nucleic acid tests taken within 48 hours.
      Inspection teams have been deploved at the airport, railway stations and expressway toll qates for checking the COVID-19 negative certificates.
      Most of the infections were linked to the sixth people's hospital of Zhenazhou. which has been closed for environmenta isinfection. All patients and asymptomatic carriers have been transferred to a designated CoVID-19 treatment hospital.
      Jiangsu province has ramped up measures to contain the virus spread in crowded indoor places.
      Of the total 45 confirmed local cases reported in the province on Monday, Yangzhou, a popular tourist destination, registered 40 cases, pushing up the total number of confirmed local cases in the city to 94 since July 20.

A total of 1.7 million people in the main districts of Yangzhou have completed their second round of nucleic acid testing.Startin from Jl 28. indoor entertainment venus. indoor cutral and sports centers tranin ntitonos and chlicare enters in the cit hae ben temporariy losed to ontai the furthespread of the virus.
       Wuhan, capital of Hubei province. once hard-hit by the CovID-19 epidemic, is also battling a fresh resurgence of infections.
       The cityhasmobilzd alfores aftritreported confimed cases liked to the inl ifecious Deta variant ast eek. endin a steak o more than a year wih zer localy transmitted cases.
       Hubei reported three new locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases on Monday, all in Wuhan, the provincial health commission said Tuesday
       Wuhan on Tuesday launched mass nucleic acid testing covering all its residents.
       The testing will be completed as soon as possible to screen nucleic acid positive and asymptomatic infections. said Li Tao, deputy secretarv general of         Wuhan municipal aovernmen, a a press briefing on Tuesday.
       As of July 20. over 17.1 milliondoses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in Wuhan, and the inoculation rate of people aged 18 and above has reached 77.63 ercent, according to the Wuhan municipal health commission.

        A staffer working with international cargo flights at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport tested positive for COVID-19 on Mondav. local health authorities said.
        The mtopolis immediatly carried out the investigation, disinfecion,sampling, and laboratory testing on relevant personnel and places, according to the municipal COVID-19 prevention an control leading group office.
        "Vaccination has been proved effective in COVID-19 prevention." said Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Diseases at te cit's Huashan  Hospital, Fudan University, onTuesday.
         Nearly 1.69 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in China by Monday. the National Health Commission said TuesdayIf residents are fully vacinated, the ped of the convirs rasmisson il rety reduce.A ll tafimemers of airports in Shanghi hae been vacinate, s e are ully confden to slaw down the transmission." he said.
         By 9 am Tuesdav, 27.174 of 64.860 screened individuals had completed nucleic acid testing with negative results, while the remaining samples are undergoing examination.
         Zhang suggested that al residents should check whether their intended tourist destinations are medium or high-risk areas before traveling. He also encouraged ouris tofollow personal protection measures, including wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and avoiding gatherings.
         The municipal government has strengthened closed-loop management including beefinq up inspection of entry and exit as well as key personnel. It is also promoting vaccination and encouraging citizens to follow COVID-19 preventative measures.
Similar to the recent resurgence of coronavirus in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong province, which was also triggered by the highly contaious Delta vaiant, most patients in thin outbreak have shown mild symptoms, said China's top epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan.
Preliminary studies on Guanazhou's latest COVID-19 outbreak show that China's domestic vaccies are effecive against the Delta variant, zhong said during a summit in Guanazhou onSaturday.
         The protective efect of China's domestic vaccines is 100 percent effectie against severe cases, 76.9 percent against moderate cases, 67.2 percent aqainst mild ones, and 63.2 percent.against asymptomatic carriers accordingly.

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