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When do you need to replace the hydraulic oil of the hydraulic press

by:WORLD     2023-05-29
Hydraulic oil is an important medium for the normal operation of hydraulic machines. However, after a period of use of hydraulic oil, due to the influence of various factors such as high temperature, impurities and oxidation, the quality will inevitably decline, and the function will also decline. That is to say, when the oil reaches a certain level, we need to replace it regularly. So when should we replace the hydraulic oil? How can we tell if the hydraulic oil should be replaced? Don't worry, let me tell you below.

There are two types of hydraulic oil: oil pump oil and oil tank oil. There are different ways to distinguish these two types:

1. Identification of oil pump oil: We can take out a small amount of oil to be tested from the oil pump, and the color of the viewer changes. If it is found to be milky white and turbid (sometimes like light yellow milk), it may be identified by incineration and found that it is turbid. Contains a lot of water, burning will emit a lot of white smoke, and when you touch it with your hands, you feel that the oil has lost its viscosity. These phenomena indicate that the oil has been completely emulsified and transformed, and it should not be used again. It needs to be replaced.

2. Identification of oil in the oil tank: Take out a small amount of the oil to be tested from the oil tank, the colloid is deposited, put it on your fingers and pinch it. If you feel a lot of colloid and strong adhesion, it means that the oil has been oxidized . It may be filtered with filter paper. If there is black residue on the filter paper after filtration, and there is a peculiar smell that irritates the nose, it means that the oil has been oxidized and transformed. A lot of asphalt and deterioration, the above phenomena all indicate that the oil in the fuel tank has been oxidized and deteriorated, the performance has been severely reduced, and it needs to be replaced.

After the above introduction, we know a variety of ways to distinguish the oil in the oil pump and the oil in the oil tank. In fact, it is very simple. It is easy to determine whether the oil has changed or not by looking at it, touching it by hand, or even burning it. Requirement replaced.
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